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Horfield & Lockleaze Community Awards

Community Awards


Celebrating what makes our community great!

Horfield and Lockleaze is bursting with people who make it a great place to live. Whether it is friendly shop-staff, the teachers who inspire, the neighbours who take our parcels, cut our grass and cheer us up; the group leaders for scouts, sports and sewing groups, and so many more people who freely give their time and energy to make Horfield and Lockleaze a better place to live. We want to celebrate and share some of the stories from our community, and we need you to nominate the people you are thankful for, and share with everyone  how great they are.

2024 Awards

We are asking you, the people, to nominate organisations, groups and individuals for awards using the links below or using paper forms available in local shops and community spaces. 


This year, we are dedicating the 'Made a BIG difference' award category to the memory of local resident, David Thomas, who sadly died in 2023. David started the Horfield and Lockleaze Awards and generously supported many community projects and local charities, too many to name in this small space. We will be forever grateful for the big difference he made to Horfield, Lockleaze and beyond.


The nominations will be shortlisted by a panel of local residents and workers. Shortlisted candidates will then be invited to an awards event in February where the winners will be announced.


Which are the local businesses that you couldn’t do without?

The conversation with the staff,
the great products or services,
the things that make life taste better.

We’d love to know.

Best Business

Who is helping you on your doorstep? Feeding cats, watering plants, babysitting, house sitting, collecting your parcels, telling you jokes...Tell us about the people on your street, block or doorstep that you think are worth shouting about

Good Neighbour
Good Neighbour

Most things worth doing take hard work and determination and there are usually some pretty big obstacles that deter the faint hearted. Who do you know that has achieved something awesome this year? Maybe they have overcome a personal hurdle or done something particularly inspiring for our community.

Achiever Award
Achiever Award

Click on the categories below to find out more.


Most of us like to help people, but some people go the extra mile, giving their time and skills for free regularly to make life better for others. We think you're fabulous, all of you, and look forward to hearing about all the different things people volunteer for and why we should all be grateful.

Volunteer of the Year
Volunteer of the Year

We are so grateful for the commitment and passion of all who work in our local schools. We’d love to share some stories of those who go the extra mile, who bring school alive, that put up with pupils at their worst and come back smiling and inspiring. Tell us about the teachers that have lit up this year for you.

Teacher of the Year
Teacher of the Year

Is there someone, or a group of people, whose actions have made a BIG difference to you this year? It could be a friend, a colleague, your doctor - anyone really!

Tell us about them and show your appreciation to them.

This year, we are dedicating this award category to the memory of David Thomas. Read above to find out why.

Made a Big
Made a BIG Difference

In memory of David Thomas

Sports and physical activity groups are often places where community takes place. It’s where you get fit, get friends and grow together. Whether it’s a mums and tums, walking group or a Rugby colts, tell us about your group and what’s great about it.

Best Sport OR Physical Activity Group
Best Sport OR Physical Activity Group

What makes your community group special? Maybe you’ve been meeting a long time or are solving a local problem, maybe you support each other in a way that nothing else does.
Whatever the reason you are meeting we’d like to hear about what keeps you coming back and why it’s so special.

Best Community Group
Best Community Group

We believe that children are our future, and the experiences and people they have now form the foundation for the rest of their lives. What groups or activities are rocking your kids world? We’d love to know what, where, when and why they are so great.

Best Children OR Young People's Group
Best Children OR Young People's Group
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